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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Who is the best writer you know?

Writers are no different than any one else. We put our pants on one leg at a time - even though we'll try to put them on two legs at a time just to have a funny story to write about later.

We also have heroes in our field; people we look up to.

I, for one, have always thought that Joss Whedon is one of the best writers of our time. While not a novel writer, as a screenwriter, he's still a WRITER. I find his dialogue to be funny, touching and REAL. Who is Joss Whedon? Holy Cow! He's only the writer/creater of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Firefly and now Dollhouse. What I wouldn't give for 10 minutes in his brain.

As far as writers of fiction novels, I think one of my heroes would be Janet Evanovich. She also writes humorous dialogue well, and knows how to move you through a story. Her Grandma Mazur character is possibly one of my favorite.

Non-fiction hero goes to Bill Bryson. I can not read his books on airplanes, for fear of snorting something out of my nose when I laugh at what he's written. His book, In a Sunburnt Country was my funny bible for my Australia trip.

Who do you look up to, either in your chosen field or mine, or any really?

1 comment:

  1. As far as tv writers go, I am a huge fan of Ron Moore. I think he's absolutely brilliant. Fiction writers some of my favorite modern authors are Neil Gaiman, Charless de Lint and Jonathan Carroll. My non-fiction favorite is a tough call. I love to read books about writing, and right now I'm reading and working through Brian Kiteley's The 4 A.M. Breakthrough. I also love to read memoirs and creative nonfiction. David Sedaris gets that award, I suppose.

    Great blog post! Thanks for sharing your favorites.

    Jenny Bean
    The Inner Bean


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