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Monday, March 16, 2009

Authors Promoting Authors

There are some genius people out there on the World Wide Web. Tina-Sue Ducross is one of them. She thought that we authors need to help each other out, and created the Authors Promoting Authors Website. Those who are promoted are supposed to promote the author that came before them!

THE LIST is the book featured today. Hop on over and take a look!

While you're there, you may want to check out some of the other books. Such as the following:

THE parenting handbook : compassionate, practical, and deeply wise ...

A child is possibly life's greatest miracle; raising one is possibly life's greatest challenge. But fear not – help is at hand!

From conception to early childhood, Spiritual Parenting, the first in a series by Hay House India will steer you through this life-altering journey. Marrying spirituality with tried-and-true advice, it offers simple but enormously effective strategies on bringing up children in this crazy world that we live in – and staying positive and sane through it. 

In this indispensable guide, Gopika Kapoor, a writer and mother of twins, shares with you all that she has learned both as a parent herself and as a close observer of other parents. From managing your toddler's tantrums to advice on kiddie birthday parties, and from suggestions on positive discipline to ideas on how to connect with your child, she provides not just solutions, but also useful tips on pre-empting the common problems that every parent encounters in bringing up Baby. However, this book is much more than a primer on how to raise happy kids; it is also about how to be happy parents. In her typically reassuring, compassionate tone, she shows us how to tackle the physical and emotional difficulties we face as parenting adults – post-partum depression, sleeplessness, strains on spousal relationships, and much more – with suggestions for body and soul based on practical experience and spiritual lessons.

This book will not tell you how to deal with colic or cold sores; it will not give you recipes for kiddie snacks, nor will it tell you when your baby's shots are due. Kapoor shares what she has learned with other parents like herself, as who collectively struggle to create an atmosphere of normalcy for their children in this world of greed and materialism, competition and commercialism. She does not advocate any religion or practice, nor does she claim to be a child-development specialist or psychiatrist. She is a writer and a mother, and what she offers are simple solutions that have worked for her, and are guaranteed to work for parents today.
Focused on both parent and child, Spiritual Parenting is an invaluable compendium of common sense and spiritual wisdom. Read this one book and you'll see how one of life's greatest challenges can also be one of its greatest joys ...

The book has debuted at #8 on the Bestseller Chart.

About the Author
Gopika Kapoor is a writer and communications consultant. She has written for a number of leading publications, including The Times of India, The Indian Express, Elle, Seventeen India, and Andpersand Magazine, and has been consulted on various communications initiatives with Child Relief and You (CRY), Point of View, CREA, and Save the Children, Sweden. Gopika lives in Mumbai with her husband Mohit, a corporate lawyer and life coach, and her twins, Vir and Gayatri. ISBN: 978-8189988531 Price: Rs.200/- Format: Paperback

Sherna Khambatta Literary Agency, the Indian representative of the Wade & Doherty Literary Agency UK is proud to launch Gopika Kapoor’s first in a series of books on parenting. Literary Agents are a new concept to Indian publishing but a vital link between authors and publishers. 

Sherna Khambatta Literary Agency

1 comment:

  1. this sounds like a great idea! I hope it helps you on your way to the best seller's list.


Have you bought your copy of "The List" yet? Will you buy one if I beg? Pleeeeeeeze?